If you find yourself with the gift of time to read this week, consider treating yourself to one of my favorite books – How to Be Well; The 6 Keys to a Happy and Healthy Life, by Frank Lipman.
This was one of the first books that was assigned when I started my holistic nutrition training. At the time I was anxious to take a deep dive into nutrition, and I wondered why we were reading such a simple book - full of big print, colorful headlines, and catchy graphics. Deceptively simple, as it turns out. How to Be Well set the tone for the holistic approach that I learned at Bauman College. They both cover all the factors that support optimal health.
The ‘6 Keys’ in the subtitle are laid out in chapters on how to Eat, Sleep, Move, Protect, Unwind and Connect. In each chapter are dozens of suggestions for simple changes you can make to your diet and your life for better health, along with a grounding in the science so you understand the reasons why.
Lipman describes it as “A field guide to being well in an unwell world.”
Many of the ideas in the book are the foundational principles of my Nutritional Consulting practice – Eat Real Food; Reduce or eliminate sugar and processed carbohydrates; Don’t be afraid of fat; Exercise and sleep well.
Some of my favorite ideas in the Eat chapter are a template for making a smoothie with your favorite ingredients and tips for choosing wisely in different types of restaurants. In Move Lipman explains why strength training is so important and how to do the perfect dead lift (bonus tip – it’s good for your sex life!).
Questions to ask your doctor about prescription medicines and how to choose a water filter are covered in Protect, while the Unwind chapter teaches you how to leverage the calming power of your breath without ever stepping into a yoga studio.
All the latest trends in nutrition in nutrition and wellness are covered, including intermittent fasting, gluten and dairy sensitivity, and the power of practicing gratitude. Want to know more about mitochondria? What are they? Why are they important and how can you support them? It’s in there!
Reading How to Be Well is like eating a written box of chocolates – dip in when you want a treat and sample some ideas for a more vibrant and healthier 2023. Every time I pick it up, I learn something new. My sister gave me a fancy foam roller for Christmas, and I can’t wait to try the tips on p. 137, “Roll your Fascia.”
Lipman advocates adopting small meaningful habits and making incremental changes on the path to wellness.
This is exactly the approach I take in my Nutrition Consulting practice. I will start with where you are to create a customized plan that will guide you to your goals, at your pace, tailored to your preferences and lifestyle.
There are a lot of diet and wellness programs out there which will give you a one-size-fits-all-plan – especially this time of year. If that works for you, great!
If you need more guidance to choose and implement the best strategies for you, along with coaching and support as you make incremental changes to your diet and lifestyle habits to revolutionize your health – schedule a free consultation to learn more about how we can work together. I would be honored to help you make 2023 the year all your resolutions come true.
Until then . . . Happy Reading!