What is Real Food Anyway?
Real Food IS
Found in Nature
Made of ingredients you can Pronounce
Made with Traditional Cooking and Preserving Methods
Delicious and Satisfying
Made in a Factory
Made with Ingredients not found in Nature
Made with Ingredients you can't Pronounce
Full of Empty Calories
Engineered to Induce Cravings
Real Food IS NOT

Why is Real Food Better for Health?
Nutrient Density
The sum of nutrients in Real Food are greater than the parts.
Brussel sprouts, for example, are high in Vitamins C, K, Folate and Fiber. Brussel Sprouts are also a cruciferous vegetable, which support liver detoxification processes necessary for hormone balance and removing toxins from body.
A Vitamin C or K supplement, or a cereal with added psyllium fiber, won't have the benefits of a serving of Brussel Sprouts.
You might be holding your nose at the thought of eating brussel sprouts. Trust me – with the right recipe and cooking technique – they are delicious! I’ll show you how!
Blood Sugar Control
The sugar and starch in unrefined or minimally processed Real Foods are almost always paired with protein, fat or fiber. These slow the rate that the sugar and starch enter your bloodstream and help to keep your blood sugar from rising too quickly or too high.
The nutrient density of Real Food ensures that vitamins and minerals necessary for good blood sugar control - including B-vitamins, magnesium, zinc and chromium . . . are available to the digestive process.
Reduced Inflammation
Real Fruits and Vegetables contain special nutrients called phytonutrients. Phytonutrients, which evolved to protect plants from predators, can be powerful anti-inflammatory agents that protect us from the stressors of modern life and disease.
Blueberries, which may protect against heart disease, and tomatoes, which may protect against cancer, are just a few of the 'Super Foods' that get their health benefits from Phytonutrients.
Science has only identified a fraction of these special nutrients and are hard at work at identifying their health benefits. One thing is sure - Real Food is your best source for all this amazing nutrition that nature has to offer.
Good for the Gut
Your gut is full of millions of beneficial bacteria that help to digest the food you eat, produce vitamins, regulate your blood sugar, reduce inflammation, and support your immune system.
Scientists are studying individual strains of bacteria and figuring out how they impact your health. Some have been synthesized in labs and formulated into probiotics that are added to everything from supplements to packaged food to hand lotion.
But there are hundreds of strains of bacteria in your gut. The best way to support them is to eat food that they have adapted to eat. What does a ‘good bug’ do with a processed ‘food’ that it has never seen before? Nobody knows!
Nourish your gut with Real Food that your body evolved to eat and that best supports your health.

How Can the Power of Real Food Help You?
An eating plan based on delicious, minimally processed, fresh Real Food is the foundation for optimal health.
Within that framework, I will help you create an individualized plan that will:
♦ Stabilize your blood sugar
♦ Reduce cravings
​♦ Put you in control of your food choices
♦ Promote weight loss
♦ Reduce inflammation
♦ Energize
♦ Address specific health concerns
♦ Provide all the nutrients you need to thrive
Schedule a free discovery call to learn how the power of Real Food can help you achieve your goals!